“The Landing Youth Ministry aims to partner with parents in raising up young men and women who savor, strengthen, and spread our hope in Jesus Christ to the glory of God!”

Youth Wednesday Nights

Wednesday nights are a time to dig into God’s word together and enjoy some games, food, and fellowship!

Youth Wednesday Nights is for students grades 6 - 12.

We meet Wednesdays from 6:00pm-7:30pm and continue through the summer except for the month of August.

Youth Sunday School

Youth grades 6-12 meet for Sunday school from 9 - 9:45am before worship.

We are going through a curriculum by Truth78. Truth:78 aims to guide the next generations to know, honor, and treasure God—to set their hope in Christ alone and to live as faithful disciples for the glory of God. If you would like to read more information about this curriculum, visit www.Truth78.org.

Youth Ministry Email Sign-Up
If you would like to receive our weekly youth ministry emails, please fill out the form below and click submit.

Here is where you can inlcude information about the ministry and how people can get involved. You can create subpages for each ministry on the left hand side of the page if you have a lot of information and need to break it down into differnet sections.