I. All counselors are a part of The Landing Biblical Counseling Ministry and are engaged in ongoing development and training as Biblical Counselors. They are spiritually mature and biblically knowledgeable.
II. All counselors will open and close every counseling session with prayer and will rely on the Bible during the counseling session.
III. Counselors will not discuss any counseling session with anyone who is not a part of The Landing Church’s Pastoral Leadership, or member of the Biblical Counseling Ministry. If consultation with a party other than the counselee or the above pastoral or counseling staff is needed, that consultation may be initiated only after first obtaining permission from the pastoral staff and the counselee.
IV. Men are not permitted to counsel women, one on one, and women are not permitted to counsel men, one on one, without pastoral approval.
V. Biblical Counseling is a ministry. Therefore, there is not to be any compensation for any type of Biblical Counseling. Any relationship that extends into the possibility of fees is to be clearly identified to the counselee and approved by the pastoral staff. (Example: legal or accounting work)
VI. Biblical counseling will be scheduled at the church building
VII. By accepting counseling by the Biblical Counseling Ministry, the counselee agrees to the following:
A. To commit themselves to the purpose of the counseling.
B. To be faithful to the scheduled time commitment.
C. To be open and honest during the counseling sessions.
D. To be diligent in the completion of all Growth and Change Plans
E. To commit to a regular schedule of worship, Bible study, and prayer agreed upon with the Counselor.
VIII. The failure to adhere to the above commitments may result in the counseling relationship being terminated. When counseling is concluded, whether through termination or completion, records will be destroyed.
IX. Any violations of the above policies should be reported to the Pastoral Leadership of The Landing